Hydroponics Automated System

Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture and is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil. Terrestrial plants may be grown with their roots in the mineral nutrient solution only or in an inert medium, such as perlite, gravel, biochar, mineral wool, expanded clay pebbles or coconut husk. [WIKIPEDIA].

I have developed, researched and commissioned a fully automated hydroponics controller which improve the grow of the different kind of plants. You can control a lot of parameters, such as pH, water conductivity and dissolved oxygen, humidity, water and air temperature, irrigation and light timing, recipes, alarms, internet of things...

User Interface developed for monitoring the different parameters through the Internet of Things. The webpage is hosted in a Raspberri Pi mini PC, which is directly plugged to the Arduino Mega microprocessor and a wifi connection. It allows to monitor each parameter with a real-time charting tool, wherever you are.

SCADA developed in vb.net with Visual Studio for monitoring and controlling the whole hydroponics system. You can get awesome graphics, with smoothly dynamics/movements for getting the hydroponics system understanding in the best intuitive way.

Arduino Due and SIM900 GPRS modem, which was developed exclusively for joining this hydroponics project. This modem allows to connect via SMS, TCP, HTTP or even making phone calls.

Peristaltic pumps fully automated and controlled by the Arduino Mega software, after reading the conductivity of the water, for feeding the plants. I use General Hydroponics nutrients for getting a good harvest.
Since hydroponics is a closed water circuit, you must add nutrients to the water whenever the plants need it.

Prototype PCB board for reading some different parameters, such as water conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen in the water, ...

Example of the hydroponics indoor system fully integrated at home.

The first hydroponic strawberry which was grown in an hydroponics automated indoor system with artificial light: